Let Go and Let God!


Jochebed, the mother of Moses is a woman I greatly admire. Her presence of mind, coupled with simple child-like faith in her God, has often been a gentle reminder to trust God like she did.

It was a chaotic time in history. The word was given to the Egyptian army to go with speed to execute all the new born male children of Israel.

Jochebed probably heard the wailing of mothers as the Egyptian soldiers slew their new born, with the edge of the sword. She had every reason to be filled with fear. Yet, she was unafraid of the king’s command (Hebrews 11:23).

The Word of God goes on to tell us that she made an ark of Bulrushes and covered it with tar and pitch and went on to do the unthinkable. She placed the ark in the river Nile, knowing that anything could befall that little basket.

As a mother, I can imagine her hands perhaps turned cold and her heart trembled as she slowly removed her hands, one finger at a time from the basket. That crucible moment when she had to “Let Go n’ Let God.”

“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.” Proverbs 29:25

By her bold action of faith, Jochebed that day, was able to save the life of her son. 

If we were to think through, the only reason Jochebed was able to save her son that day, was because she was ‘willing’ to take her hands off the basket.

Often in our lives, we tend to cling to our ‘baskets’ and find it hard to let them go. We fail to see the Hand that’s waiting to get a firm grasp, the moment we let go!

As long as the child was in Jochebed’s hands, he was just a ‘beautiful’ child ( Exodus 2:2). But the moment she let him go on the waters of Nile, the hand of God held him to be His vessel, to accomplish a great deliverance for His people, Israel.

Noble callings, are almost always born out of life’s crucibles.

We see a similar crucible moment with Abraham as he took his son upon the mountain to offer him as a sacrifice according to God’s command.

Although his heart must have cried and mind filled with questions galore, Abraham was willing to entrust his most precious, into the hands of His God.

A few thousand years later, there was yet another crucible moment which is written in red in the annuls of history: The moment when Jesus had to let go of his will, and let God have His way.

“…when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously; ” 1 Pet 2:23.

As difficult as the decision was, for Jesus to let go of His will, he did it anyway, for your salvation and mine. The blessings that we reap today because of that decision He made 2000 years ago in the garden of Gethsemane, are innumerable. Aren’t we eternally thankful to the Lamb who laid down his life for us?

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,” Psalm 103:2-4.

In our journey with God too, there will be seasons where our faith in God is tested. Those are the times when we can take strength from heroes of faith such as Jochebed and Abraham, knowing that Christ Jesus who said, “Not my will Lord, but let yours be done”, will walk by our side through our tests and trials and help us conquer our fears by His grace!

Let Go and let God!

P.S The title implies more about the unshakable trust we place in God. It does not imply passive inaction from our part. As the Scriptures clearly teach us, faith without works is dead.

Tags: Anxiety, Faith & Doubt, Faith & Work, Fear, Salvation, Worry

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